About me

I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute of Bioengineering at EPFL, Geneva working in collaboration with Enrico Amico. I am interested in Computational Neuroscience, Complex Networks and Information Theory.

Previously, I worked as a research assistant at the Queen Mary University of London. Before that, I got my PhD in Applied Mathematics at Queen Mary, University of London in the Complex Systems and Networks Group, under the supervision of Vincenzo Nicosia and Lucas Lacasa. I spent part of my PhD at The Alan Turing Institute as an enrichment doctoral scheme.

I got interested in complex networks starting from 2014 visiting for three months the Complex System and Networks group at Queen Mary University (other four months in 2016) under the supervision of Vito Latora and Vincenzo Nicosia). I took a degree in Mathematics and a Master in Applied Mathematics both from the University of Catania. I was also enrolled in the Scuola Superiore di Catania, an institution that gives talented students from the University of Catania complementary and advanced classes and encourages them to start research projects before graduation. My master’s thesis supervisor and “tutor” on behalf of the Scuola Superiore was Giuseppe Nicosia. You can find more about me here.